Submissions must include:
- The map must be submitted with a clear title and legend, and be easily understandable for a non-expert audience (3 maps maximum)
- The research question you are seeking to answer (25 word limit)
- Why this research question is important (150 word limit)
- Data sources and approach used to generate the map (250 word limit)
- A summary of the map’s findings in the format of talking points for use in a professional briefing (250 word limit)
- Roadblocks encountered (150 word limit)
- Potential future research questions or follow-up work (150 word limit)
- If you are submitting a descriptive or domestic map, explain what led you to create this type of map
- Works cited
- All documents must be submitted in English
Document Format:
- Submit file in either one of the following formats: .pdf, .doc, or .docx
- Title the document as the following: Date of Submission (MM.DD.YYYY)_Title of Submission_Team Members (Last Name First Name Initial, etc)_Affiliated Institution/Organization (If Applicable).pdf /.doc/.docx
Ex. 05.02.2018_Geopolitical Implications of Malaria Vaccine_Smith J., Miller T_University of the United States of America.pdf