

Submissions must include:
  1. The map must be submitted with a clear title and legend, and be easily understandable for a non-expert audience (3 maps maximum)
  2. The research question you are seeking to answer (25 word limit)
  3. Why this research question is important (150 word limit)
  4. Data sources and approach used to generate the map (250 word limit)
  5. A summary of the map’s findings in the format of talking points for use in a professional briefing (250 word limit)
  6. Roadblocks encountered (150 word limit)
  7. Potential future research questions or follow-up work (150 word limit)
  8. If you are submitting a descriptive or domestic map, explain what led you to create this type of map
  9. Works cited
  10. All documents must be submitted in English
Document Format:
  1. Submit file in either one of the following formats: .pdf, .doc, or .docx
  2. Title the document as the following: Date of Submission (MM.DD.YYYY)_Title of Submission_Team Members (Last Name First Name Initial, etc)_Affiliated Institution/Organization (If Applicable).pdf /.doc/.docx
Ex. 05.02.2018_Geopolitical Implications of Malaria Vaccine_Smith J., Miller T_University of the United States of America.pdf

Submission Form

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