Judging Criteria

Judging Criteria

Entries will be selected based on the following criteria:

Map Design
  • Well formatted & organized (Ex. no errors in data mapped, neat lines, north arrow included)
  • Effective cartography (Ex. usage of text, colors, labels, legends, symbols, layers, scale)
  • The map must be submitted with a clear title & legend, and be easily understandable for a non-expert audience (3 maps max)
  • Works cited (non-original contents and images must be referenced)
  • All documents must be submitted in English
Relevance to Global Health Security Agenda Objectives
  • Addresses at least one of the following GHSA Objectives:
    • Prevention: Antimicrobial Resistance, Zoonotic Disease, Biosafety and Biosecurity, and/or Immunization
    • Detection: National Laboratory System, Real-Time Surveillance, Reporting, and/or Workforce Development
    • Response: Emergency Operations Centers, Linking Public Health with Law and Multisectoral Rapid Response, and/or Medical Countermeasures and Personnel Deployment
  • Adds scientific value (Ex. How is this map important to GHSA?)
  • Demonstrates practicality (Ex. Is the map usable for GHSA?)
  • Fulfills submission criteria
    • The research question you are seeking to answer (25 word limit)
    • Why this research question is important (150 word limit)
    • Data sources and approach used to generate the map (250 word limit)
    • Roadblocks encountered (150 word limit)
    • For descriptive/domestic maps, inclusion of an explanation as to why this type of map was created
  • A summary of the map’s findings in the format of talking points for use in a professional briefing (250 word limit)
  • Potential future research questions or follow-up work (150 word limit)
  • Conclusions based on concrete observations and valid data
  • Results and importance of GIS analysis obvious
Overall Impression
  • Map leads reader to the correct conclusions; excellent use of text and maps; poster neatness and graphical design enhances reader interpretation

Click HERE to view 2016's selected entry. 

Disclaimer: This document should be used for reference purposes only, as it remains the intellectual property of the selected team and has not been published for citation. 
Rubric PDF
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